In a recent (and rare!) decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Court upheld a termination provision that limited an employee’s compensation upon termination to only the minimum entitlements under the Employment Standards Act, 2000.
An employer failed to protect an employee from assault and sexual harassment in the workplace, and then terminated her employment when she could not return to work due to related mental health disability.
The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld a decision awarding, among other things, $15,000 in moral damages against an employer for bad faith dismissal. The employee had secretly recorded the meeting and successfully used this as evidence in support of their claim.
Ontario Bill 190, the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024, received Royal Assent on October 28, 2024. Bill 190 amends the ESA, the OHSA and other legislation.
An employer’s promise of confidentiality may not protect complaint or investigation documents from disclosure in court proceedings.
Application alleging sexual harassment and discrimination dismissed for failure to establish nexus between workplace and misconduct.
An employer’s delay in imposing discipline for alleged sexual harassment does not necessarily render the discipline null and void.
This update features wage enhancements for PSWs, Human Rights Tribunal denying claims, procedural rulings and the doctor’s interest arbitration wage decision.
As of October 1, 2024, minimum wage in Ontario has increased 3.9% from $16.55 to $17.20 an hour.
A pregnant employee who experienced severe pregnancy related sickness was denied a work from home accommodation. Arbitrator Joy Noonan concludes that there was no discrimination.
A recent article about AI enabled “teacherless” classrooms raises questions about how unions negotiate to protect the jobs of unionized employees. A recent case about switching from satellite feeds to internet illustrates the issues.
This update features Vaccination Policy cases, contracting out, premiums, denial of LTD for failing to seek appropriate treatment and alleged discrimination in hiring.